Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's way beyond of what I thought about him.

*no idea how to start*
Just as I typed his FaceBook name on my friends' list, his profile appeared. 
I was stunned to see a picture of him that made me feel like I don't know him any more. 
I felt so far away and set apart from him. 
I was wondering, "Who is this guy?"   
Had he changed? From the picture, it seem to me he had changed. A lot.
He's no more 'the boy' I used to know about. 
How can I have a crush on him for such a long period? 
I barely knew him. I only met him a few times. 
Why can I be so naive to have a crush on him for so long? 
it all ends here. 
stop wasting my feelings
and my effort to please him. 

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