Friday, March 30, 2012

My SPM year

Change. Is my resolution for this year.
My attitude (be more hard-working)
My faith in God (seek His kingdom first)
Love others (understanding others' hardship)

It's almost the end of March and we'll be stepping into the month of April within a few days time.
Watching the days pass so quickly made me freak out. It's just like you're watching a movie and someone just fast forward it. Doing my revision that only seem to be a few minutes turned into hours.
Plus, you don't even realise it!
I'm a SPM candidate for this year. Can I make it to the top?
Can I achieve my goals? A result with flying colours?
Actually, the chances are in my hand. My future is in God's hand.
Only with God's grace, I know I can make it. Have faith in Him and I shall climb up that 'mountain'.
Cast all my anxiety to Him and He shall guide me through.
My mum taught me to look into the mirror everyday and look directly into myself, telling myself I am a straight As student with God's help.
It'll absolutely be a miracle with I get straight As in my SPM.

I've thought of becoming a nurse one day. I was inspired by my aunt, when she brought me to a old folks' home in Singapore. I was around 4-6 years old that time. The nurses dressed in white a symbolic colour for pure were very kind to me. They helped others patiently without complaining. Somehow, I've got that passion to serve others. I've asked some friends of what do they think about this occupation. To my disappointment, most of them said that nursing is a tough job and they don't really encourage me to study nursing. Oh well, it's still up to me to decide. I haven't really pray about it yet maybe I should start asking God.


I should be sleeping now. It's such a tiring day for me.
Do my best and make it to the top!
With Him, all things are possible! Amen? (yeah, go for it!)


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