Sunday, November 20, 2011

A severe flood

It had been raining for a few hours. Strong wind. The sound of the wind sounds like a ghost hunting for you.
Not as bad as this. Thank God. 
I was in the church having my youth service when my mum receive a call from my dad saying that water is starting to come in to our house. Not again. It had been quite some time since the last flood occur in the vicinity where we live. This is the first flood for this year. Yeah, happy holiday with a yellowish water in your house. Just great. Not.
It's quite a disaster but thank God it's not as severe as those in Thailand. The water level rose up till my ankle. The rain water was awful. It's stinky and yellowish. I was complaining to my mum about the location we are staying. Why can't we move to a better place instead of staying in this kind of house where we need to face this disaster. She said we are consider as fortunate. There are lots of people who are worse than us. They do not have a place that can be called home. At least, we have a roof over our head.
I need to learn from my mum. Despite her hardship she faced in live, she doesn't complain (well, not much) yet she faces it boldly.

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